Nancy (Slominski) Naujoks ’68
For dedicated service to VASJ as Athletic Director-and for her larger commitment to the school’s mission. Nancy has devoted herself to alumnae activities and is a constant presence at school events. In addition, she has been a preschool religion teacher, 8th grade PSR teacher, and food and delivery service worker for St. Paul’s Shrine. While at VASJ, she has directed VA Alums Retreats and has been a Eucharistic minister and women’s prayer service leader at the Euclid Jail. Inducted into Hall of Fame Sept. 11, 2009.
Norman T. Novak ’55*
For three decades of enthusiastic service as St. Joseph High School’s instrumental music director, 1960 to 1990. Under his leadership, the Viking Marching Band grew to 180 strong and earned a national reputation-appearing often in New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Also directed SJH Stage Band. First bassoonist with Cleveland Philharmonic. Director of United Slovenian Society Band. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 3, 1995.
Kelly O’Donnell ’83
For distinguished career achievement in the field of TV news broadcasting. Weekend anchor and reporter for WJW-TV8 News. Student Council President at Villa Angela. Began broadcast career with Northwestern University radio station. Won 1985 Associated Press award for best radio newscast. Three-time winner of Cleveland Communicators’ award. Emmy Award nominee. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 6, 1992.
Richard Offak ‘71
For his tireless efforts to support Viking athletic programs through various fund-raising activities. Known to some as “Mr. Fifty-Fifty,” Rick initiated the 50-50 raffles at basketball games in 1991 and - sporting his trademark red shirt and khaki shorts - has been selling raffle tickets ever since. Secretary of the Oarsmen for nine years, Rick helped stage numerous casino events and other fund-raisers. With wife Carol, he ran - and expanded - the Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School concession stand. Inducted into Hall of Fame Nov. 17, 2006.
Bro. Michael O’Grady, SM
For his inspirational career as an educator and long service to the Society of Mary. Greatly admired by alumni whose lives he has touched. Brother Mike joined the Marianists at age 14 and taught religion at St. Joseph High for eight years, starting in 1968. Though his life’s work has taken him to other cities, he has continued to serve VASJ in advisory capacities. In 2004, he was named assistant for religious life for the Marianist Province of the U.S., based in St. Louis. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 17, 2006.
Therese Osborne ‘60
For inspirational service as a longtime missionary in El Salvador, where Therese facilitated the training of rural leaders, assisted wartime refugees, and worked to improve the health of poor families through nutrition, agriculture, and sanitation. Helped organize COAR Peace Mission in Cleveland to support homeless children in El Salvador. Has taught inner city children in Dublin, Ireland. Teacher and Mission Club moderator at Villa Angela Academy from 1969 to 1975. Inducted into Hall of Fame Sept. 11, 2009.
Tony Petkovsek ‘59*
For outstanding community service while pursuing a multifaceted career in the music field. Hosted the longest-running daily polka and ethnic radio program in the U.S. on stations WXEN, WELW, and WCPN. Known as “Cleveland’s Polka Ambassador,” he was instrumental in establishing the “Old World Festival” to boost East 185th St. businesses. A founder of the United Slovenian Society of Greater Cleveland. Inducted into Hall of Fame October 23, 1987.
Kestutis (Kasey) ’76 & Judy (Rukstelis) ’78 Petraitis
For their selfless devotion to the local soccer community and VASJ over the last 30 years. Kasey played on the inaugural varsity soccer team at St. Joseph High School; named head coach decades later. Judy selflessly made sure young athletes had transportation to and from games and helped coach for the Euclid Youth Soccer Organization. Served as guidance office manager and registrar at VASJ for 15 years. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 2, 2020.
Ken Prince ‘64
For nearly 40 years of devoted service as an outstanding educator and coach, including 33 years at his alma mater. A superb track athlete during his student years at St. Joseph, Ken set school’s 440-yard dash record, which still stands. Earned All-American honors in track at Villanova University. Has taught AP biology, honors biology, and chemistry at SJH/VASJ. Head track and cross-country coach since 1976. Named Catholic Diocese “Teacher of the Year” in 1991. Inducted into Hall of Fame Sept. 11, 2009.
Thomas A. Prince ‘66
For outstanding career achievement as an educator and scientist. Professor of physics at California Institute of Technology. Noted researcher in astrophysics and gamma-ray astronomy, exploring the origins of the universe. Recipient of Presidential Young Investigator Award from NSF in 1984. Track star at SJH and co-captain of Viking track team. Ranked No.1 in graduating class at Villanova. Inducted into Hall of Fame October 27, 1989.
Herb Lehmann* & Bob Princic ‘69
For their unwavering and enthusiastic support of St. Joseph and VASJ sports teams over five decades. Recognized as the Vikings’ “most loyal fans.” Since the early 1980s, they’ve typically been found sitting side-by-side at games. Served as co-coaches of the VASJ freshman/jayvee summer basketball team. Princic has served as a Cub Scout leader and Boy Scout assistant scoutmaster. Lehmann has served as Viking football statistician and coached Pee-Wee and Little League baseball. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 30, 2004.
William J. Raddell ’68
For remaining an integral fixture of the St. Joseph High School and VASJ community for 50 years. Returned to his alma mater to teach in 1972. Educated generations of students who have had the opportunity to explore and grow in their faith in the traditions of our Marianist founders. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 2, 2020.
Joseph Radican*
For devoted service during a 39-year career as an educator, including 32 years at St. Joseph High and VASJ. Joe began teaching at St. Joe’s in 1965 and was named principal in 1971. Left in 1976 to serve as principal at Lake Catholic, but returned to SJH as a teacher in 1983 and continued teaching at VASJ until his retirement in 2004. Served as speech and debate coach for many years. Highly respected, he was honored as a regional “Principal of the Year.” Inducted into Hall of Fame Nov. 17, 2006.
Sr. Susan Mary Rathbun ‘58, OSU
For devoted service to the Ursuline Order in an extraordinary number of capacities as a teacher and administrator since 1963. Sister Susan Mary taught at Villa Angela Academy, Ursuline Sacred Heart Academy, and Ursuline College. Also served 11 years as Principal at Beaumont School. Elected to leadership by the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland. Coordinated admissions and development at VA. Member of VASJ Board of Advisors since 2002. Inducted into Hall of Fame Sept. 11, 2009.
Anthony Redding ’89
For using his gifts to mentor, coach and teach the students of VASJ for more than two decades. A decorated young athlete, he served as captain of the 1988-89 varsity basketball team and earned an incredible array of honors for his athleticism. Named head coach for the girls basketball team in 2008. Dedicated his life to guiding our students on their own journeys by providing them with a positive mindset and the belief that all things are possible through God. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 2, 2020.
Fr. Eldon Reichert SM*
For devoted service to God and to Catholic education. Joined Marianist Order in 1938. Ordained in Fribourg, Switzerland, 1952. Teacher of religion and English at St. Joseph High, 1953-61. Guidance Counselor and Admissions Officer. Spent 12 years with Marianist schools in Africa. Returned to SJH in 1973 and served as Chaplain and Assistant Principal. Director of St. Aloysius Church Hunger Center. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 26, 1991.
Bobbi Reichtell ’72
For distinguished leadership in neighborhood and community development. Chief development officer for the Slavic Village Development since 1990, she spearheaded creation of an award-winning 217-unit single-family housing development and 35-acre park in the Old Broadway neighborhood. Also community services director at University Settlement and founding President of Urban Community School PTO. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 30, 1999.
Timothy W. Robertson ’62*
For more than three decades of dedicated service to St. Joseph High and VASJ as a teacher, administrator, and master of many skills. Now Academic & Discipline Dean, he taught advanced calculus for 32 years. Chairman of math department for 20 years. Also served as moderator of “Viking” yearbook staff, school publicity director, sports statistician, and sideline cameraman at athletic events. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 30, 1999.
Bro. Richard W. Rose, SM*
For enthusiastic service to St. Joseph High and VASJ during two tours of duty-as a teacher, administrator, and behind-the-scenes man of many talents. From 1967 to 1969, he taught typing, religion, and accounting and managed the school bookstore. Following a stint at Cathedral Latin, he returned to St. Joseph in 1983 and served 10 years in key positions in the Alumni/Development office. Inducted into the Hall of Fame April 30, 1999.
Henry* and Frances Royer
For continuous and dedicated support of Catholic education. Parents of 14 children, all of whom graduated from St. Joseph High or Villa Angela Academy. Henry, a top salesman for Joseph T. Ryerson Co., coached CYO basketball at St. William’s Parish and supported VA Fairs for 22 years. Fran was active in Mothers Clubs at both SJH and VA and organized Alumni Office volunteer group. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 3, 1995.
Timothy J. Ryan ’61
For tireless and enthusiastic service to St. Joseph High and VASJ. Proprietor of Tim Ryan Photography, he donates his professional talents to assist the school in many ways. Viking football cinematographer for 25 years. Long-time member of Alumni Board of Directors. Instrumental in establishing Hall of Fame. Active in Right-to-Life campaigns. Former proprietor of Tim Ryan’s Pub. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 6, 1992.
Joseph Scaminace '71
For a distinguished career as a business leader and dedication to improving the lives of current VASJ students. Extensive career has included leadership roles at two global companies. Served for a decade as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of OM Group Inc. Served as President and Chief Operating Officer at Sherwin Williams and as a board member at the Cleveland Clinic, Parker Hannifin, the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland and others. A proud supporter of VASJ, was named a Presenting Sponsor for the 2016 Continue the Dream event, pledging a $250,000 gift to the school. Scaminace has returned to Villa Angela-St. Joseph to share his insights and wisdom with students. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 8, 2016.
Tom Schoen ’64
For remarkable achievement in athletics and lifelong dedication to his alma mater. Quarterbacked the undefeated 1963 Viking football team, earning All-Ohio recognition and the “Lou Groza” award. All-American defensive back at Notre Dame in 1966 and 1967. Played safety for Cleveland Browns in 1970. Active fund-raiser for SJH Booster Club. Served as Vikings’ assistant football coach. Named head coach in 1996. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 3, 1995.
Sr. M. Naomi Schreiner, OSU*
For devoted service to God during more than 50 years as an educator. Teacher and principal at St. Philomena, St. Joseph (Collinwood), Immaculate Conception, and St. Malachi’s. Joined Villa Angela staff in 1964. Distinguished history teacher and Senior Class Moderator. Developed course in “Asian Studies” for Diocese of Cleveland. Ohio Social Studies “Teacher of the Year” in 1991. Inducted into VASJ Hall of Fame November 6, 1992.
Eleanor* A. and Vito C. Scotese
For energetic service to Villa Angela Academy, St. Joseph High, and to church and community. Organized dinner dances for both schools. Eleanor was President of VA Moms’ Club, Treasurer of St. Joseph Moms’ Club, and organized St. Joseph “Bingo Nights.” Served on VA Endowment Campaign Committee and St. Joseph Education Commision. Vito was President of Holy Cross Married Couples Club. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 26, 1991.
John Sheridan ‘58*
For excellence in journalism and service to his high school alma mater. Served two terms as president of The Press Club of Cleveland. Inducted into the Cleveland Journalism Hall of Fame in 1997. Senior editor of IndustryWeek magazine. Founder of the prestigious “America’s Best Plants” program honoring North America’s top manufacturing facilities. Frequent volunteer for VASJ activities. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 30, 2004.
John Shinsky ‘69
For selfless dedication to the welfare of disenfranchised children. An outstanding student athlete, he was a high school football star and state finalist in wrestling and track, as well as recipient of Big Ten Football Honors at Michigan State University. Earned his Ph.D. in 1983, and became a nationally recognized leader in the field of special education. Founded “The City of Children,” an orphanage in Matamoros, Mexico. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 30 , 2004.
Rev. Martin Solma '66, SM
For his devoted service as a Marianist priest and missionary since 1975. He dedicated 27 years to conducting mission work in Africa, returning to the United States in 2010 to serve as the provincial of the Marianists for the Province of the United States. His only hope is that he has been able to help some people throughout his journey. Inducted into the Hall of Fame November 2016.
William E. Sopko ‘67
For outstanding career achievement and community service. President/owner of William Sopko & Sons Co. Founder of Stamco Industries and Lake Quality Products Inc. Spearheaded efforts to establish a “Boys Hope” foster-care facility for abused and homeless boys in Northeast Ohio. President of the Alliance for Metalworking Education. Chairman of the Mayfield Area Recreation Council. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 26, 1991.
Alfred F. Srp*
For 36 years of dedicated service as a teacher and administrator at St. Joseph High. Joined faculty in 1952 and taught biology for 30 years. At various times, he also taught algebra, physical science, environmental science, and typing. Developed a course in horticulture. Served as Vice Principal from 1974 to 1977. Known for his sense of humor and culinary talents. Retired in 1988. Inducted into Hall of Fame October 27, 1989.
John Storey ‘59
For dedicated service to St. Joseph High and VASJ as a teacher and coach. Head wrestling coach for 28 years. Guided the Vikings to more than 200 dual meet victories. His 1990 team captured the Ohio Division I state championship. Coached eight individual state champs who earned a total of 10 titles. Named Head Football Coach in 1991 after 24 years as an assistant coach. Athletic Director, 1988-90. Inducted into Hall of Fame October 27, 1989.
Reginald “Reggie” L. Stover ‘83
For distinguished achievement in business, while helping to steer others toward success. As Chief Talent Officer for the Cleveland Clinic Health System, he oversees human resource programs for more than 40,000 employees. An All-District basketball player for the St. Joe Vikings. Now active in a program that mentors young African-American males. Member of the board of the YMCA of Greater Cleveland and Parish Advisory Council at St. Agnes-Our Lady of Fatima. Inducted to Hall of Fame Sept. 11, 2009.
Roger J. Sustar ’61
For a distinguished career in industrial management. As president and owner of Fredon Corp., a Mentor precision machining company, he has campaigned tirelessly to promote apprenticeships and other training programs in the metalworking field. Member of Lakeland Community College board of trustees. El ected chairman of the National Tooling & Machining Assn. (NMTA). Inducted into Hall of Fame April 30, 1999.
Ronald J. Suster ’60*
For a distinguished career in public service and support for St. Joseph and Villa Angela. Assistant law director for the City of Cleveland. Law director of Richmond Heights. Assistant county prosecutor. Ohio assistant attorney general. Member of Ohio House of Representative since 1980. Sponsor of “pro-life” legislation. Past member of St. Joseph Alumni Board. Served on VA Advisory Board. Inducted into Hall of Fame Nov. 6, 1992.
Joymarie Kwasniak Swanson '91*
For exemplifying what it means to be a team player on the basketball court and in her own personal life. She was a leader, coaching women on the basketball court and serving in various leadership roles at the United States Military Academy. She inspired others with her spirituality, her sense of community and her willingness to serve others. She continued to inspire people as she fought her battle with Ocular Melanoma. She passed away in 2006, but her legacy lives on. In honoring her legacy, the Live 4 Joy Foundation provides scholarships to deserving student-athletes at VASJ. Inducted into the Hall of Fame November 2016.
Rev. Kenneth Templin ’58, SM
For enriching the lives of many young people by ministering to their spiritual and educational needs. A faculty member at St. Joseph High for 18 years as both a Marianist brother and priest. Ordained in May 1979. Served as guidance counselor and school chaplain at SJH. Member of board of trustees at Parmadale Home for Children. Transferred to Hackett Central Catholic (Kalamazoo, Mich.) in 1989. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 3, 1995.
James P. Tobin
For his dedicated and energetic support of many St. Joseph High and VASJ programs. Aided school fundraising activities during 13 years as a “Bingo Night” volunteer. Four-term past president of the Oarsmen Club, the athletic booster organization. Although a non-golfer himself, he helped to establish the annual “Bernie Guilfoyle Open,” which raises money for the school’s scholarship program. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 30, 1999.
Sandra (Pertekel) Turner '66
For advocating and bringing awareness to mental health issues and encouraging workforce programs that support employees’ emotional wellness. Former director of Americas Talent Team at Ernst & Young for over 20 years. Turner’s most significant contribution to a workplace culture of caring was the development of the “r u ok? Campaign” at Ernst & Young, promoting to end the stigma often associated with accessing care for mental illness and addictions. This program received national recognition by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the U.S. Government’s Health and Human Services Department and appeared in articles from Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, Workforce Magazine, Corporate Wellness Magazine and Forbes, to name a few. Turner is an active member in her community, participating in two missions to El Salvador through St. Dominic’s Project Serve, serving as an elected council member in the Village of Gates Mills, an appointed member of the Gates Mills planning and zoning committee, a trustee of the Chagrin River Watershed Partners and auditor of the Gates Mills Community Club. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 8, 2016.
Barbara (Petty) Tyler '60
For her distinguished achievement and leadership in the field of law. Taught at CSU’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and served as director of the school’s legal writing department. In addition to having her work published in several prestigious law reviews, she served as adviser to the Journal of Law and Health in which an annual award was named in her honor recognizing a law student with the best note. Other honors include being named the 2005-2006 Delta Theta Phi “Most Outstanding Law Professor in the Nation” and the 2005 Stapleton Award for Teaching Excellence. Tyler was inducted into the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Hall of Fame in 2019. Inducted into the VASJ Hall of Fame November 2016.
Mary Verdi-Fletcher ‘75
For distinguished achievement in advancing opportunities for the disabled in business and the performing arts. Confined to a wheelchair by spina bifida, she established “Dancing Wheels, “ a professional-level dance company. Activist on behalf of disability rights. Founded Professional Flair, a non-profit organization that provides career assistance to the physically challenged. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 26, 1991.
Sr. Angela Marie Waldron ‘43, OSU
For outstanding dedication and service to Catholic education. A longtime teacher and administrator, she also was eastern region superintendent for Cleveland diocesan schools for 15 years. Editor of numerous guides for pre-school and kindergarten teachers. National speaker on education topics. Director of religious education and active leader in the field of development. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 30, 2004.
Linda (Mengay) Warren '73
For an outstanding career as a dedicated community organizer helping to better the city of Cleveland. Senior vice president of placemaking for Cleveland Neighborhood Progress.Her role in placemaking is focused on the built environment and includes running a real estate development company, New Village Corporation. Former director of community development for the City of Cleveland. Managed City of Cleveland's $14.6 million Homeownership Zone award, securing two $25 million HUD Upfront Grant awards to the City of Cleveland. Managed the conversion of the former Saint Luke's hospital into a mixed-use project of low-income housing for seniors. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 8, 2016.
Jim Webb '80
For serving as a coach and mentor to VASJ athletes for more than 30 years. Exemplified the importance of a strong work ethic, teamwork and service both on and off the football field. Dedicated countless hours to ensuring the values and traditions of VASJ resound throughout the community. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 2, 2020.
Rene Scanlon Weber ’54*
For distinguished achievement in education and in the development of child nutrition programs. Following a teaching career, she served 20 years as Director of Nutrition Services for the Diocese of Cleveland- from 1978 to 1999. Served three terms on the U.S. Child Nutrition Advisory Council. Executive Director of Diocesan Head Start program. Named “Advocate of the Year” by Ohio Hunger Task Force. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 30, 1999.
Rev. Louis J. Wiesner, SM*
For dedicated service to God during 53 years as an educator. First principal of St. Joseph High School, from1950 to 1956. Returned as a teacher from 1966-69. Oversaw completion of the construction of the school campus. Entered Society of Mary in 1928. Ordained in Fribourg, Switzerland, July 28,1940.Taught at Cathedral Latin, Holy Trinity (Brooklyn), Cincinnati Purcell and other schools Retired in 1984. Inducted into Hall of Fame October 23, 1987.
Madelyn Witchner ‘32
For long and enthusiastic service to Villa Angela Academy and various community organizations. Generously gave of her time to support numerous school celebrations and fund-raisers. Helped resurrect VA Alumnae Association. Also worked for “another VA” — the Veterans Administration — for many years. A U.S. Navy Wave during WWII, she assisted returning GI seeking college educations under the GI Bill. Inducted into Hall of Fame April 26, 1991.
Sr. Susan Zion, OSU '67
For serving as an elementary school teacher for over 20 years and executive director of Ursuline Piazza, an organization she founded in Cleveland in 2007 to address gaps in service for the HIV-positive community. A woman of great faith, fortitude and dedication, Sr. Susan lives out the Marianist and Ursuline values each day. Inducted into Hall of Fame November 4, 2022.
Ret. Adm. Ronald J. Zlatoper ‘59*
For outstanding career achievement in the service of his country. A combat pilot in the U.S. Navy, he made more than 1,000 landings on aircraft carriers. Won Distinguished Flying Cross, Legion of Merit, and 11 air medals. Commander of two Carrier Air Wings. Executive assistant to the Secretary of the Navy. Chief of Staff for the U.S. Seventh Fleet, 1987-88. Promoted to Rear Admiral in 1988. Inducted into Hall of Fame October 27, 1989.